Our Portfolio

We know stories, and any technology is then just a tool for us . Be it projection mapping, virtual reality, augmented reality, LED displays , you name it, we know it.


Venue: Shilpgram, Deoghar, Jharkhand.
Baidyanath , a thoroughly enjoyable show about the story of Lord Shiva and Ravana , the conspiracy of the ‘Devas’ against the ‘asuras.’
A multimedia show replete with projection mapping, aqua screen projection, lasers, fire, dancing fountains, intelligent lighting, 5.1 theatrical surround sound, this 30 minute show narrates the establishment of the Jyotirling at Deoghar.
Lord Shiva’s Tandava to soul stirring Sanskrit hymns make this an engaging and unforgettable experience for any pilgrim visiting the holy land of Deoghar.